We are here to answer your questions

Facts and Questions

Is AMAZONIA 100% alcohol-free?

Yes my dear friend. Amazonia non-alcoholic gin contains 0.000% ABV (Alcohol By Volume).

Being one of the few alcohol-free spirits to achieve it! making it therefore even safe for pregnant & breastfeeding people, minors, recovered alcoholics, people taking medications and drivers.

How much time does it conserve?

Amazonia has no artifical additives.

Because of that when opened, enjoy it within 8 weeks! If its still close, make sure to open it within 2 years, but seriously, who can wait that long to try this wonder!

What does Amazonia taste like?

Like a London dry gin with a floral touch. It tastes like it, smells like it, burns like it...

Can't wait for you to try it!

What is AMAZONIA alcohol-free?

Amazonia alcohol-free alternative to gin is the most innovative alternative to gin which tastes, looks, and burns like alcohol - but without any! For creating this amazing spirit, we use the most advanced technology which allows you to experience the drinking-culture without alcohol.

So perfect to have a great time without hangover!

When can I buy AMAZONIA alcohol-free?

The best things in life are worth waiting for, right? Well with AMAZONIA alcohol-free is the case!

We are now currently working on the last little details which make AMAZONIA Spirits the best alcohol-free alternative to gin, therefore you can expect to try it very soon!

Why is it called AMAZONIA?

For creating this amazing alcohol-free alternative to gin, our founders went all the way to Colombia and Brasil during a couple of months to do research in the Amazonian region in order to find the best spices and learn about it's ecosystem. This experience is translated directly in the taste of Amazonia Alcohol-free alternative to Gin, making Amazonia trully different from any other Alcohol-free spirit in the market. Therefore in honor of this journey we decided to name our alcohol-free alternative to gin like the jungle that inspired us so much: Amazonia

Is AMAZONIA vegan?

Yes it is! Our alcohol-free alternative to gin is 100% Vegan and cruelty free

Can I drive after drinking AMAZONIA?

AMAZONIA alcohol-free is safe to drink and drive :) you can drive and operate heavy machinery without any problems! So feel free to do so.

What is the main goal of AMAZONIA?

Our main goal is revolutionazing the alcohol-free spirits in order to normalize the having fun without the need of drinking alcohol. Making it a safe space for all, doesn't mather whatever you want to drink!

Currently, if you are not drinking alcohol it creates a lot of questions, is always a bummer, and it shouldn't! Alcohol is the only food/drink which people ask you why you don't consume it; have you ever been asked why you don't eat tomatoes? exactly, nope! We want to break the paradigms in the drinks industry and normalize having a alcohol-free choice which can give you the same experience than alcohol without the downsides of it!

Is it safe for recovered alcoholics?

Yes it is! Amazonia is 100% alcohol- free, having 0.0000% alcohol by volume. So no worries about it.

I want to sell / serve AMAZONIA in my store / bar / restaurant, what should I do?

Email us! We will be super happy to read you :) please reach out to the email info@amazoniaspirits.com

Where do you deliver?

We deliver within all Europe + UK and Swisserland :)

Do you have more questions? contact us ;)